No-Code + AI Art = Big Possibilities! 🤖🎨 No-Code Shots #8
Build No-code apps (for beginners), Notion for everything, Webflow tool collection and Feature of the week.
This is No-code Shots.
The newsletter you lean on for No-code updates and news. You can lean on us like Michael Jackson in Smooth Criminal.🎹
So, what’s going been going in No-code lately? — Let’s Check out.
⚡ How to Build No-Code Apps (For Beginners) 🚧⚡
Looking for a nice and simple spreadsheet-to-app converter? 📊
Glide is a No-code spreadsheet-to-app converter that lets you easily turn bland databases into rich and interactive apps for the web and mobile, no coding required.
In this complete guide for beginners, the blog will cover the basics of how you can build powerful mobile and web apps from scratch using Glide. 📝
All you need is an internet-connected device, a properly formatted spreadsheet, and lots of curiosity! 💡
🔗 Build your first mobile app!
⚡ Notion is Magic ⚡
One tool for almost everything.
🔗 Notion + Super_ → Website 🌐
🔗 Notion + Tally forms → Forms 📝
🔗 Notion + Zorbiapp → Flashcards 🗃️
🔗 Notion + Notion2Charts → Charts 📊
🔗 Notion + NotionInvoice → Invoice 📇
🔗 Notion + Queue_so → Schedule Tweets 🔖
🔗 Notion + HelpkitHQ → Knowledge Base 🐦
⚡ No-code + AI Art = big possibilities! 💻⚡
Do you know Stable Diffusion?
You can enter text and "automatically generate an image" of that content. 🖼️
Alex, who made Bubble's Stable Diffusion plug-in has released a 15 min tutorial and you should definitely check this out.
Yeah, you’re thinking it right, anything is possible in Bubble. 🤯
🔗 Stable Diffusion x Bubble.io
⚡ What's your favorite tool to use with Webflow? ⚡
Trist Adlington, a Webflow expert, and Designer has collected and curated a list of Webflow tools in a Notion Doc. 📋
Webflow fans will definitely love it!
⚡ Feature of the Week — Momly ⚡
Momly was founded in 2022 by passionate mothers Neha Sondhi, Supriya Anathakrishnan, and Ahila Pillai on a mission to provide a platform for women to navigate motherhood. 👩👧
The landing page of Momly is created by Ahila Pillai Momly’s on Softr, a No-code website hosting platform.
The founding team with their passion for technology led them to create an AI-powered online community of women who can support each other through all phases of motherhood, pregnancy, postpartum, fertility, adoption, and others. 💪
🔗 Momly-A safe space for women to meet & find support.
That’s a wrap fellas.
This is No-code Shots, we hold your hand and look both ways while you cross the streets of No-code. 👐
See ya next Tuesday!
If you want more of the No-code, make sure to follow us on Twitter (@nocodeshots). 👋✌️